Magnet Theatre: Three Decades of Making Space


Megan Lewis (ed)
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Anton Krueger (ed)
Rhodes University


Community Theatre, Magnet Theatre, Performance aesthetics, Cape Town, Khayelitsha, Township theatre, Theatre education, Theatre company, South Africa, socio-political turmoil


Cape Town’s Magnet Theatre has been a force in South African theatre for three decades, a crucial space for theatre, education, performance and community throughout a turbulent period in South African history. Offering a dialogue between internal and external perspectives, as well as perspectives from performers, artists and scholars, this book analyses Magnet’s many productions and presents a rich compendium of the work of one of the most vital physical theatre companies in Africa.

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Chapter 1 - Plotting the Magnetic Field: Origins and Trajectories
Megan Lewis and Anton Krueger

Chapter 2 - Making Space for Ideas: The Knowledge Work of Magnet Theatre
Mark Fleishman

Chapter 3 - An Activist Company Inventing a Future:
A Conversation with Neo Muyanga

Chapter 4 - ‘Being There’: The Evolution of Performance Aesthetics from Medea (1994–96) to The Magnet Theatre ‘Migration’ Plays (2012)
Miki Flockemann

Chapter 5 - The Full Gamut of an Ideal Company:
A Conversation with Jay Pather

Chapter 6 - The Implacable Grandeur of the Stranger: Ruminations on Fear and Familiarity in Die Vreemdeling [The Stranger] (2010)
Anton Krueger

Chapter 7 - Theatre That Can Organize, Mobilize, Conscientize:
A Conversation with Mandla Mbothwe

Chapter 8 - Performing the Language of the Body in My Mother Tongue: 
A Conversation with Faniswa Yisa

Chapter 9 - Magnet Theatre and the Moving Body
Jennie Reznek

Chapter 10 - Ideas Dying to be Born:
A Conversation with Craig Leo

Chapter 11 - The Creative Flow of Arresting, Exquisite Fabric:
A Conversation with Illka Louw

Chapter 12 - Embodied Practice that Troubles Fixed Narratives of Identity, History and Memory
Yvette Hutchison

Magnet’s Recipe for Considered, Chapter 13 - Conscious Theatre-Making:
A Conversation with Frances Marek

Chapter 14 - The Performance Labours of Magnet and Jazzart’s Cargo (2007)
Megan Lewis

Chapter 15 - Making Space for Community: Magnet Theatre ‘Intervenes’ in Khayelitsha
Gay Morris

Chapter 16 - Vividly Feeling the Extremes of Being in the World:
A Conversation with Margie Pankhurst

Chapter 17 - By Telling Stories We Can Learn Something from Life:
A Conversation with Thando Doni

Chapter 19 - Catalysing a Community: Magnet’s Clanwilliam Community Intervention Project
Lavona de Bruyn

Chapter 19 - Bursting the Bubble of Play: Making Space for Intercultural Dialogue
Elliot Leffler

Chapter 20 - Keeping Theatre Alive in the Community:
A Conversation with Zwelakhe Khuse

Chapter 21 - Magnet Never Forgets its People:
A Conversation with Nolovuyo Sam

Author Biographies

Megan Lewis, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Megan Lewis is assistant professor of theatre history and dramaturgy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 

Anton Krueger, Rhodes University

Associate Professor Anton Krueger is a writer and scholar specialising in South African performance modalities. He is an NRF rated researcher and has published numerous articles and book chapters on subjects ranging from indigenous dance to Zef. 


July 17, 2016