Robben Island To Wall Street


Gaby Magomola
Unisa Press


Robben Island, South Africa, Autobiography, Entrepreneurship, Apartheid


Gaby Magomola’s book reflects on a critical time in the history of South Africa. Taking broad lyrical strides across various major crucial epochs in the history of this country, Gaby offers an insider’s view of a number of key events. During the 1960s, the country was in the grip of various uprisings leading to the Sharpeville massacre, and the arrest and incarceration of various leaders and activists of the day, including the young Gaby. Some years later, the Soweto uprisings followed, while during the 80s and early 90s the repressive reign of PW Botha prevailed – which later ended with the subsequent demise of Apartheid. This true account is a significant contribution to documenting life in Apartheid South Africa. In looking wider than the inside of Robben Island, as one of South Africa’s most symbolic centres of incarceration during the dark days of Apartheid, Gaby Magomola elevates this personal story to a life-affirming tale of courage and hope for all generations.

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June 12, 2009