The #54_IR Anatomy of Power: European Constructions of the African Body


Alexander Butchart
University of South Africa


African Studies, Identity, Racialism; Body politic, socio-medical, post-coloniality


The author analyses the ways in which the body of `The African' has itself been analysed in Western thought from the Renaissance to the present.  Conventional analyses of colonialism view the body and society of the African as having pre-dated European intervention - the repressive practices of colonial occupation are seen as having disfigured a pre-existing known identity. Against this perspective the book argues that socio-medical technologies were and are the creative underbelly of social control, actively inventing the African body, mind and society itself as objects amenable to analysis and domination. The book spans ten chapters, and contains 16 illustrations.

This is an extraordinary book, using Foucault's thinking on the relationship between power and knowledge.

This book is the winner of the Hiddingh Currie Award 1998 for Academic Excellence.



  • 1. The African body in History and HIstories of the African Body
    History of medicine as achievement, function and repression
  • 2. Power, Knowledge and the Body
    The individual as invention ; Power and the body; Analysing power; a Trans humanist frame of analysis
  • 3. Renaissance body Myths and the Spectacle of Strangeness
    The body as prose and the Renaissance episteme, Monstrous men, The eye of the explorer and the rise of classification
  • 4. A Body without Volume: The African as Target of Sovereignty and Object of Taxonomy
    The problem of the African body as a surface, The power of punishment and the sight of sovereignty, Natural history ... , From theatres of punishment to healing
  • 5. Missionary Medicine, Moral Sanitation and Fabrication of the Heathen Heart
    Creation of the African with a soul and a body of organs, Moral sanitation and the medical missionary method, From revelation to confession ..., A watershed of power
  • 6. The Industrial Panopticon: Mining and the medical construction of migrant African labour
    The heat chamber as punishment and Panopticon, Inventing an economy of human bodies ..., Debasement and discipline ... , A therapeutic operator ..., The disciplinary descent of mining medicine
  • 7. Discipline and Danger: Psychological Science and the African Personality
    Lunatics and nervous systems, Impusive insanity and the perilous black, A `better' native ..., Balck consciousness and the cultivation of culture, Black Consciousness and the alienated African, A liberatory pyschology and the diffusion of danger,
  • 8. Filth, food and freedom: Public health and its changing African objects
    Sanitary science and the emergence of ta body boundary zone, Social medicine and a psycho-social space, Community health, A new public health ..., Body production lines
  • 9. Birth of the Bantu Clinic
    A Bantu anatomy, The African paitent as a lesion-containng body, The `quest for wholeness' and a subjective paitent, Bodies and voices
  • 10. Postscript: on the Anatomy of Power
    Rewriting the African subject, The relevance of Foucault to socio-medical practice in the present, Afterword

Author Biography

Alexander Butchart, University of South Africa

At the time of writing this book, author Alex Butchart was an associate professor at the UNiversity of South Africa in the Department of Psychology. A widely published psychologist, he has been a long-term activist in democratic health promotion and was a member of the Goldstone Commission Committee.


February 16, 2023