The Real Threat of the COVID-19 Pandemic to the University of South Africa (Unisa)


Godwell Nhamo
University of South Africa


ODel, Online learning, Covid-19 impact, University of South Africa, ODel practitioners, student retention, staff retention


The real threat of the COVID-19 pandemic to the University of South Africa (Unisa) is neither occupational health and safety (OHS), nor working-from-home (WfH). Rather, it is the mushrooming of ODeL-like platforms from residential universities in South Africa, Africa and all over the world, as well as the threat of Unisa ODeL experts being poached.

Author Biography

Godwell Nhamo, University of South Africa

Prof Godwell Nhamo is Chief Researcher and Exxaro Chair in Business and Climate Change at the University of South Africa (Unisa). The Chair is hosted by the Institute for Corporate Citizenship (ICC) under the College of Economic and Management Sciences. He has been instrumental in developing Unisa’s roadmap and flagship programme titled the Green Economy and Sustainability Engagement Model (GESEM) approved by Unisa’s ManCom on 22 January 2013. He continues to be dedicated to assisting Unisa to become a leading higher education institution in the field of sustainability, sustainable development and green economy transition as part of his deliberate in-reach oriented community engagement commitment.



February 16, 2023
