Street Khoisan: On belonging, recognition and survival


Siv Overnes
Arctic University of Norway


Khoisan, Indigenous Studies, Cape Flats, South Africa, urbanisation, Nation-building, marginalisation


This book focuses on how the Khoisan have survived, despite colonisation, assimilation and acculturation.  Self-naming has produced resilience here, as in other places where indigenous identities have been muted. While focusing on the Khoisan, this book includes a juxtaposition of Khoisan experiences and glimpses of the indigenous Coastal Sami's history from the author's home ground in Norway. Clearly, indigenous people continue to survive, as they have done for centuries.

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Author Biography

Siv Overnes, Arctic University of Norway

Siv Overnes is a social antropologist at the Department of Child Welfare and Social Work at the Arctic UNiversity of Norway.


December 19, 2019